Supply Chain Risk Management Consulting Services

Supply Chain Risk Management Advisory Services
Proven Process in Developing a World-Class Supply Chain Management Program
Step 1: Strategy & Roundtable Discussion
As with any major undertaking that has huge implications for an organization, it’s fundamentally important to discuss overall goals in terms of designing and implementing a successful supply chain management program.
With Centris, we dig deep, asking the tough and necessary questions to get the answers you need for all things relating to supply chain management. What are your supply chain concerns and constraints? How much visibility do you have in your supply chain? Have any recent events resulted in concerns for your supply chain? What are your risks - known, unknown, internal and external? Just a small sample of the dozens of questions we ask with our informative, results-driven strategy & roundtable discussions for kicking off the supply chain conversation.
Step 2: Supplier Identification & Assessment
Now more than ever, organizations are leveraging a large number of suppliers within their supply chain. From providers of raw materials to companies offering essential information technology services - and much more - it’s critically important to identify and document every supplier in one’s entire supply chain. With Centris, we offer a proven process for identifying and “unearthing” every provider from A to Z that’s offering services to your organization.
Additionally, we use an industry-leading process for ensuring we know everything about your suppliers, inside and out. The more you know about your suppliers, the greater the success of your overall supply chain in terms of key metrics - it’s really that simple.
Step 3: Risk Identification & Assessment
Knowing all the risks within your supply chain, addressing each and every one of them to the best of your ability, and ultimately, mitigating such risks, are important steps when developing and implementing a successful supply chain management program. With Centris, we help organizations identify all types of risks - both internally and externally - by assessing them against industry-accepted risk categories. Specifically, with up to fifteen (15) risk categories to use, we assess both internal organizational risks, while addressing external supplier risks, then develop a comprehensive risk register for documenting and continuously monitoring all risks.
Furthermore, successful risk identification requires addressing unknown risks - issues that are almost impossible to foresee or predict. By building a culture centered around effective risk management, organizations can plan for the unforeseen, ultimately helping mitigate both short-term and long-term damage to their supply chain.
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What’s Your Supply Chain Strategy?
At the heart of effective supply chain management is implementing a structured process that results in a comprehensive supply chain management program for your organization. Managing and mitigating risks, while continuously monitoring one’s operations, is essential for successful supply chain management. With Centris, we have a proven and trusted supply chain risk management approach that simply works.
Our industry leading supply chain risk management consultants have worked in every conceivable industry throughout the globe, helping organizations design and implement highly effective, scalable, secure, and efficient supply chain management programs.
Step 4: Supply Chain Risk Management Framework (Build + Deploy)
Every organization is unique in its own right, as such, it’s essential to build and deploy a supply chain risk management framework - and an overall supply chain program - that truly meets one’s needs. Centris helps organizations develop proactive supply chain measures for ensuring all risks are addressed in terms of their likelihood, and impact, along with response mechanisms in place. Additionally, successful supply chain management programs must also incorporate Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) measures for monitoring various metrics assigned to suppliers.
With Centris, we’ll help you develop and implement a rock-solid supply chain risk management program, complete with documented policies, procedures, and processes - and critical risk scoring metrics. When complete, organizations will have a highly structured set of initiatives for categorizing, prioritizing, monitoring - and taking corrective action, when needed - on all matters related to the broader topic of supply chain management.
Step 5: Continuous Monitoring & Corrective Action
In today’s dynamic, fast-paced, and ever-changing business climate, organizations need to keep a pulse on their entire supply chain, regardless of industry, size, or sector. From regularly assessing vendors to adjusting internal risks based on any number of issues, the concept of continuous monitoring is essential to a successful supply chain program.
With Centris, we help organizations develop customized continuous monitoring measures that produce true ROI metrics, those that can be used for both short-term and long-term process improvement. We’ve developed programs that include hundreds - even thousands - of core monitoring metrics for ensuring complete coverage for an organization’s entire supply chain ecosystem.
We can also help develop governance boards, and supply chain roundtable discussions - essentially, anything to help improve a supply chain’s agility, efficiency, resilience, and security. Effective supply chain management practices are about transforming an organization’s culture to that of a risk-informed, adaptable, and proactive-driven entity.
We Know Supply Chains Inside and Out. Let’s Talk
"89% of companies experienced a supplier risk event in the past five years, yet company awareness and plans to mitigate risk lack maturity."
Why Centris for Supply Chain Risk Management?
- Superior supply chain subject matter expertise for all industries and sectors.
- Successful supply chain implementations all throughout the globe.
- Seamless integration with all of today’s supply chain software tools.
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